Back to School

Supply list, check. Backpack, check. New Nike’s, check. Water bottle, check. Lunch money, check. Tissues for all those bittersweet mama tears (ahem, for the classroom I mean. It was on the supply list!), check. The list goes on. Check, check, check.

The first day of school, no matter if it’s Kindergarten or 6th grade, can be equal amounts overwhelming and exciting. Not just parents, but kids and teachers, too!

Our kids are AMAZING and school is a big deal – they deserve our support as they navigate school for the first time, a new grade, new teacher, new friends, or even a new school. A gift for the first day of school you say?! After all of that school supply and clothes shopping (not to mention that amazing summer your kids just had), I waltz in here with a blog post to tell you about back to school gifts?! Not quite. Give them a kiss, tell them you’re proud, and beg them to stand there with their backpack and new Nike’s on for a “quick” picture. But, don’t forget about their teacher.

This is not the time for an over-the-top gift. A small gift is a great reminder that we see them and that we appreciate them - the time and energy and money they put into their classrooms, their lesson plans, and our kids.

I have one Kindergarten kiddo this year and a 6th grader (hello, weird middle school years!). My kindergartener has one teacher, my 6th grader has SEVEN periods which means 7 teachers. I’ll be honest here – I am usually on the ball, but, the start of school with 2 kids quickly becomes chaos and my first day of school gifts for their teachers ends up getting to them the first week (or even month) of school. The start of school is chaos for teachers, too, so the timing here does not have to be exact.

Let’s get to it! You’ll find Amazon links here, but these are all gifts that you can find at your closest Target.  Nothing fancy here, but thoughtful and meaningful all the same.

  • A pack of nice pens (iykyk) or a big pack of Sharpies

  • Gift card (Starbucks/local coffee shop, Target, Amazon)

  • Quality chocolate (I love Dove chocolates with the sweet messages inside the wrappers)

  • Hand Lotion & Chapstick (I stay away from any strong scents and choose a high-quality brand like Burt’s Bees)

  • If you’re up on trends, the Stanley 40oz Thirst Quencher (in their favorite color if you know it) makes a great gift though it is on the more expensive side at $40

  • For a personalized touch, check out Etsy for cute lanyards and notepads

Don’t forget to include a nice note (and review those behavior expectations in the school handbook with your offspring!) – let’s get these teachers off to a great start!

Best Wishes and Warmest Regards,


*Links and products provided are not sponsored or affiliated


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